As we band together as communities, nations, and a global community, we are faced with painful feelings of grief and loss on all sides – loss of loved ones, jobs, our normal way of life. In this article, noted author and grief counselor Dr. Alan Wolfelt shares wisdom and practical tips for helping ourselves and others through this global pandemic of grief.

Wolfelt | Grieving During a Pandemic
All of us feel added stress because of the coronavirus pandemic, and our children are no different. To calm their fears and discuss what’s happening a healthy way, check out this article for six helpful tips from nationally respected educator and grief counselor Dr. Alan Wolfelt.
We can all agree that times are difficult, stressful, and uncertain right now. What we need to keep us going is hope. Hope for the future and good times to come. Check out this article by noted author and grief counselor Dr. Alan Wolfelt for practical tips on cultivating and nurturing hope during these difficult times.
As we are forced to change how we live, work, and connect with others because of the coronavirus pandemic, we are all experiencing different forms of grief. We may be angry, sad, lonely, anxious, or hopeless, all symptoms of grief. If you are struggling to find your “new normal” during the pandemic, take a look at this article by nationally respected grief counselor Dr. Alan Wolfelt exploring the six needs of mourning and learn how you can move from grief to reconciliation in the midst of a difficult situation.
Losing a loved one is hard enough, and the coronavirus pandemic has only made things harder. But there’s hope! In this heartfelt article, nationally respected grief counselor Dr. Alan Wolfelt shares his thoughts on grief, mourning, and ways we can still honor our loved ones’ lives during these difficult and unusual times.
Other Pandemic Articles
Exploring the Natural Complications of the “WHYs” of Funerals During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Funerals today are much different than they were just a few months ago. But even in their altered state, a funeral or memorial service is a necessary part of the grieving process. This article from Dr. Alan Wolfelt shares the 6 purposes of a service and discusses creative ways we can continue to explore these purposes in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Coronavirus Challenge: The Wonder of Waiting
We’re all in a season of waiting, and if we’re honest, we’re not very good at it. In this article by grief counselor Dr. Alan Wolfelt, you will learn tips and tactics for maintaining internal calm and making the most of your time at home.
Grieving a Coronavirus Death: Help for Special Circumstances
Losing a loved one is difficult under any circumstances, but even more so during the coronavirus pandemic. Family members are prevented from visiting sick loved ones. Grief is circumvented by missing funeral services and memorials that usually bring solace and comfort to mourners. In this article, respected grief counselor Dr. Alan Wolfelt discusses the unique challenges of grieving a loss in the midst of a pandemic.
The COVID-19 Mourner’s Bill of Rights
Do you know someone who has lost a loved one to COVID-19? In this article, grief counselor Dr. Alan Wolfelt offers sincere encouragement for those who are struggling following a death and who need to know that their grief is natural, their feelings are normal, and it’s okay to not be okay.